Here's a step-by-step guide to help you adjust the timezone:
Step 1: Access the Main Menu:
Ensure you're on any of the main menu pages.
Step 2: Navigate to Your Account:
Look to the top right corner of the screen, where you'll see your account letters (typically the initials of your name or username). Click on these letters to reveal a dropdown menu related to your account settings.
Step 3: Access Personal Profile:
From the dropdown menu, select the My Profile option.
Step 4: Adjust Timezone:
You'll find an option to change your time zone in the profile settings window. Adjust this to your desired time zone.
Step 5: Save Changes:
Once you've made the necessary adjustments, click the SAVE CHANGES button to ensure your new settings are applied.
By following these steps, you'll ensure that all timestamps and schedules displayed on Connect Intelligent Cloud align with your local time.
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